Raspberry White Chocolate Mocha

It was snowing again today.


What better way to spend a snow day than doing some exercises to help me correct my anterior pelvic tilt?

Um yeah… after doing a round of those (you would be surprise how you can really feel it in your muscles afterwards!), I decided to make a hot drink and curl up with that while going through my backlog of NY Mags.

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Getting Ready for Thanksgiving

For Thanksgiving this year, as usual, my aunt and uncle will be taking care of the turkey(s). My mom will be doing her signature roast char siu dish and braised abalone. There will also probably be a chicken involved somewhere just to cover all the meat bases 😉 So entree wise we’re in pretty good shape.

So I’m thinking about doing an appetizer, side dish, or dessert.

I made all three of the following for a pre-Thanksgiving get together with M & A: a caramelized onion & sweet potato flatbread/pizza, cheddar biscuits, and a no-bake eclair “cake.”

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