2019, Here I Come!

2018 was relatively normal until the last few months. Now it’s kind of a whirlwind.

But since I have finally taken the plunge, I’m looking forward to what 2019 will bring.

I hope that all of you, especially those of you who had a rough 2018, will have a better year next year.

For this new year, I hope everyone takes the chance to make yourself happy and do what matters the most to you. Make 2019 the best it can be for you.


Enjoy the mew life,

Happy New Years!

So another year has come and gone. 2017 is on the horizon.

This is the time for most to draw up a resolutions list and stick with it for a couple of weeks at most (if they really try) before it falls to the wayside.

I usually don’t do resolutions because of this very reason. But what the hell, I’ll jot down a couple and maybe surprise myself this time next year with how much I can accomplish.

At the top of the list would be finally setting a quit date at my job and writing up the resignation letter. Of course, it would also be swell to have another employment set up but regardless of that, actually getting out of my current job is the priority. To aid this, I will be saving up even more for my safety nest. And I already completed my budget for the new year so keeping to that should help. 👏

I really also want to set more of a structure for this blog. I admit I haven’t been much motivated for the past few months. But I hope to be more active for 2017. I have a lot of random ideas that I need to trim down on before I set up some type of posting schedule. In a weird way, having too many ideas has been preventing me from writing much at all. It’s a bit overwhelming in my head and feels like I don’t know which things to go with first so I don’t end up doing anything. And then I keep thinking in a month or so I’m gonna be thrown back into busy season at work and probably won’t post much again anyways so what’s the point. I don’t know, I feel I really to lay out what and when I can post instead of winging it. If you guys have any ideas or suggestions on the type of content you want to see on this blog, don’t be shy, please let me know in the comments!

There’s a belief that if you do anything for 30 days, it will become a habit. So I’m gonna give that a try and form some new habits including working out for at least 30 mins a day (can range from anything as simple as going on a walk, doing hula hooping or step aerobics at home, or going to the gym), going to bed earlier and getting more sleep (at least 7 hrs a night), keeping a better diet (keeping to two meatless days a week/minimizing nightly snacking/trying more vegan items) and reading more (I will get myself a brand new spanking library card because I actually like being able to flip through a physical book). There are also habits to get rid of which include nail biting and giving in to cravings too often. Indulgence is necessary once in a while so I don’t have it all pent it up and go overboard but I really need to stop giving in too many times especially  since I have a tendency when I do it once and think welp, I already messed up might as well just keep fuckin up. Self control really shouldn’t be as hard as some of us make it out to be.

And finally, for the new  year, I want connection with others. I want to reconnect with old friends who for whatever reason (time/distance/otherwise) I haven’t been in touch with. As for others, I want to maintain the ones that have been there all along. No matter how hectic life can get, there should always be time for those I care about. It’s very hard not to take those close by for granted when they seem to be available most of the time. But every relationship needs maintenance and care and the special gestures. Special does not necessarily equate to extravagance or things of that nature but something to show that hey I was thinking of you today and feeling grateful for our friendship.

I guess the theme with all of these is about having more control over my life. Instead of being paralyzed by feelings of helplessness and hopelessness, I want to be able to look back on 2017, regardless of the good or bad things that will happen, and be able to take responsibility for the choices that led to them happening. Naturally there are always going to be things that are out of my control but I want to minimize those instances.

What are you guys looking forward to for the new year ahead? Any resolutions/goals you hope to achieve?

Whatever they may be, here’s hope to a great and productive 2017 for everyone! 🥂




Enjoy the mew life,