It’s My Birthday And I’ll Cry If I Want To

I turned 28 on Thursday. I don’t feel much different, older, or wiser. But maybe a bit more dramatic as evidenced by my title? lol

But that’s always the case with birthdays as one gets older isn’t it?

It’s crazy to think I’m another year closer to 30. I never really had a timeline in my head of specific things I wanted to accomplish or do by the time I’m 30. Truth be told, however, I did have a general feeling that I was going to or should have more things ‘figured’ out in my professional and personal life. And I thought I would feel more like an ‘adult.’

And please, before I get any comments of ‘You are an adult.. house.. stable job.. etc etc’ I’m not saying I’m a crazy hot mess with nothing going for her or anything lol But obviously my mind is not in a place in life where I feel like the path I’m on is one I can continue to be on and be happy now and later down the road. But I also don’t quite know which road I should take that can lead me to any personal satisfaction. And maybe I won’t ever reach that point but I do want to strive for it. I owe it to myself right?

I do have to say I am blessed to have the foundation and core of a great family and group of friends that I know I can count on to be there along the way while I attempt to figure things out.

Boy, this post veered off from what I initially wanted to write; which was just a simple post about how I actually spent my bday lol It was a good, relaxing day with none of the above thoughts. I took off from work and got to enjoy a great (albeit overpriced) dim sum lunch at Tim Ho Wan and dessert at Cha An with my cousins having conversations that said nothing and everything at the same time. It was simple and lovely with the company of some of my favorite people in the world. Sometimes that’s all you can ask for and need in life.


Enjoy the mew life,

18 thoughts on “It’s My Birthday And I’ll Cry If I Want To

  1. sassenach (@_sydneysage) says:

    dude what u talking about u are an adult u bought a house u have a fulltime job i know your not at where u actually wanna be right now but uve graduated and become an adult in so many ways !!! dont ever doubt that and im jealous at all u have achieved and i wish i had accomplished as much as u and grown up as much as u have. you are an adult and u just have accomplished so much even if it doesnt seem that way but u have your whole life to figure out what makes u happy and what u wanna do for the rest of it and u can never be too old to achieve anything bitch and ill do whatever i can to help u get there!!

    ok i just read ur next paragraph lmao but again i know how life passes by quickly and u feel like u have to rush and should already be doing the thing u want to do but it takes time i still dont know what i want to do and im the same age as u i dont believe my passion is tv anymore i believe its pets and i wanna change my career path again for the 3rd time. u will figure out what u want to and how to get there u just gotta pace urself even though thats what u feel like ur doing now u gotta make small goals achieve them like ur doing now with ur blog and ur gyming and then make bigger ones achieve them then u will be where u want to be! still so proud u went and got a tattoo too!

    i absolutely love ur desert how it looks so much what did it taste like whats in it!!!!!!!!! so so pretty and im glad u had a great day on ur bday. happy birthday my amazing role model wendy~


    • The Mew Life says:

      we’ll figure things out together bae ❤

      the ice cream sandwich has hojicha ice cream and the 'sandwich' part was green tea rice cake (very strong matcha taste!) and green tea whipped cream on top. love the ice cream; not so crazy about the rice cake, it was really hard.


  2. Christina ❤️ Vancouver foodie says:

    Happy belated birthday, Wendy! Sounds like you had a great birthday. You get more confident when you turn 30. It’s a magical thing, trust me. ❤


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