
Hi. Welcome to my little humble corner on the internet!

My name is Wendy and I am trying to fake it til I make it!

The greatest source of happiness is to know the source of unhappiness.

My biggest goal in life now is trying to figure out this source of unhappiness so I can reach the peak of mewness: contentment.

I questioned daily ‘Am I truly unhappy about certain things in my life and the lack of other things? Or do I just feel this way because societal norms tells me that I should be this way or that?’ There will always be outside pressures all around on how you should live a ‘successful’ life which seems to equate to a happy one. The Mew Life is about stepping back in a chaotic world and trying to figure out what my place in it is, on my own terms.

I hope you will follow me as I stumble along in my attempts.  Everything is better and easier with great company 🙂

Enjoy the mew life,

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